Exam session procedure
Exams take place at the time and in the audience specified in the exam schedule. Academic groups’ leaders coordinate the order and dates of exams with the lecturers teaching the study subjects and the faculty administrator. The schedule of exams is approved by the dean of the faculty.
Exam scheduling depends on the extent of study subject: if the subject makes up for 3 credits the interval between the previous exam must be not less than 2 days, if it makes up for 4-5 credits – not less than 3 days and if it is 6-8 credits – not less than 4 days. Exceptions can be made if the whole academic group agrees to not comply with recommended intervals.
Course credit test takes place on the final semester’s lecture. Each is differentiated and assessed with a grade (except physical exercise’s subject).
Students, who do not agree with the exam’s/credit test’s result have an option to appeal in two days from the publishing of the result. They may contact the study subject’s head of the department and ask to re-assess the performance of the written examination along with the subject’s lecturer or they may request a commission to retake the examination orally. The head of the department notifies the student of the answer within three working days from the date of receipt of the appeal. If an appeal against the evaluation is not accepted the decision of the qualification commission is final and indisputable.
Students may submit appeals in these situations:
- when the student is not content with the assessment of the exam/credit test;
- when the student believes that they have been unlawfully prevented from defending the final thesis;
- when the student believes that there is a probable violation of the thesis defense procedure which negatively affected the evaluations of the thesis (the defense took place outside the time specified in the rector’s order, the student did not have the opportunity to present the thesis or answer questions);
- when the members of the qualification commission violated the norms of academic ethics during the defense;