We invite you to get acquainted with the candidate for the position of KUSS President – Aidas Čurovas!
After a long time, a man is running for the position of KUSS President. Aidas, the only one who expressed his desire to take this position, is a 1st-year marine transport engineering student at the Faculty of Marine Technologies and Natural Sciences of Klaipėda University. The candidate contributes to the activities of student self-government as an active member, on October 1, 2021, he began to serve as the Vice President of KUSS. Aidas Čurovas, based on issues relevant to students, envisaged five areas of activity in his activity guidelines: representation of student interests, visibility and accountability of KUSS, utilization of KUSS opportunities, preservation of existing traditions, involvement of students in activities and activation of the Alumni Club.
More about the candidate: Candidate’s documents.
March 4 of this year. Aula Magna (PC “Studlendas”), AK1 auditorium will host the Klaipėda University Student Union reporting and election conference. During the conference, KUSS annual and financial reports, KUSS Council annual activity reports and Audit Commission reports will be presented. Also, during the Conference, a new President of the Klaipėda University Student Union and members of the Audit Commission will be elected.
Kilk Ugdydamas Save, Studente!